GIB® News & NewsBites

GIB® NewsBites - June 2024

Winstone Wallboards June Update

We are excited to bring you another edition of NewsBites, filled with updates and insights from the team at Winstone Wallboards.

In this issue, we are thrilled to introduce you to Mike Arthur, our new General Manager. Read about Mike's impactful leadership and his vision for the future of our company.

Learn the impact of slab edge insulation on GIB EzyBrace® systems in light of recent NZBC H1 changes, crucial for achieving higher R-values in slab floor constructions.

Explore how one of our Club GIB® Installers, Reade Wilson, turned challenges into design triumphs in his stunning home. Discover innovative use of GIB® products and clever design solutions that elevate practicality into artistry, creating a sanctuary of elegance and functionality.

Stay updated with our new GIB® Site Guide 2024. This guide promises to be an indispensable tool for industry professionals and includes the latest updates to the GIB® product range and installation guidelines.